Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Larson Wedding Part 1

I can now say I have a wedding under my belt. I have done reception but had never actually done at the temple family pictures.What a good experience for me, I still have a LOT to learn but hope I have a chance like this again. Thanks Jake and Laura for trusting me with this. I would like to say I have all of the pictures done being edited but it's amazing how long it takes to do anything when you have a baby that refuses to sleep. I know ridiculous right... but that's another story. Here are the pictures taken at the temple reception pictures will come later.

Before I continue I really do need to give credit to my two assistants. I really could not do any of this without their assistance. Here  they are with the groom. :)
 Seriously Emily was a champ! She even slept through the night for the first time that night... well until her mean parents woke her up at 5 am to go to the airport no wonder she won't sleep. Nic has always been super helpful and supportive of my photography and boy he did not disappoint. He helped me make sure I got all the pictures I wanted would go scoop out areas for lighting while I took care of Emily. He was AWESOME! Thanks Honey! Thanks also to everyone who helped out with Emily. We thought it was going to be quite interesting with me taking pictures and Nic being a groomsmen but everyone was so helpful with her.

Jake goes way back with Nic and I. Jake was Nic's freshmen roommate at BYU. Since Nic and I were dating then I got to also meet Jakey then. We fortunately have been able to stay good friends despite Nic and I living in Wisconsin. Thanks Jake and Laura for letting us be part of your day. We are so happy you guys found each other and get to be together forever. So happy we got to see you so happy! You make a fantastic couple.

Now you are probably sick of me so I'll let you get to the pictures. Warning I have a lot of pictures of the bridal party. I am a little obsessed with her wedding colors I can't help it that Laura picked my favorite color in the whole world! Ps this bride is BEAUTIFUL. I am a little biased with the blue eyes and brown hair but seriously Jake you picked a gorgeous bride!

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